Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A New Name

WOW! That is all I can say about my Dream Day. It was definitely all I had ever dreamed of as I grew up. All those fun ideas and plans were finally put to use on My Day, well, Our Day. Jason had a lot of input in the actual ceremony, but he left the decorating up to my mother and I. Actually all the flowers and decorations were done almost entirely by my mother. Also, her pastor's wife and a friend pitched in on Friday and helped us to decorate. We could not have done it without them.

You are probably wondering where I am writing this from. Tri-Cities Regional Airport in Tennessee. The smallest airport I've ever flown in or out from. Wow! They moved our flight from the original 4 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. So we are hanging out right now!

The honeymoon was a surprise to me, planned totally by Jason. Night 1: Corbin, KY Nights 2-4: Gatlinburg, TN Nights 5-9: Cocoa Beach, FL

You think he might be over-reacting just slightly?

This blog is going to be slightly different. There are so many cool pictures I want to put on here that I think I will put pictures and maybe a few little blurps. There are so many neat little shots that I am going to attemp to place on this site. I am having some difficutly getting them to line up correctly.

Believe it or not, the cake is from Walmart! I picked it up the morning of and my mom and I put it together. Decorated around it with candles, tulle, silver cake jewelry and some other neat knick knacks and it ended up looking very nice. So many people pitched in and helped to decorate. I had a small melt down when I called the church to see if we could get into the church and reception/gym area early. They informed me that they were going to have a funeral there on Friday and we would not be able to get into the church until Friday afternoon at 3 p.m. Yikes! I was pretty stressed but we were able to get into the church at 12:30 on Friday and that really helped us out.

The church ended up looking so beautiful. The columns really added an elegance and almost Grecian effect to the whole atmosphere but I thought it was definitely romantic.

Not too bad for a couple sisters, huh? Yellow was the color that I picked to be the main color for our wedding. Two reasons: yellow is my favorite color and my mother also did her wedding in yellow so that was kinda neat for both of us. I thought the girls really looked like princesses.

Our Honeymooner's Joy Cabin in Gatlinburg TN was pretty neat.


Anonymous said...

the pictures are beautiful, as is the bride. so glad you had a wonderful day with wonderful memories!

Janella Thompson said...

Oh girl I have been a faithful checker of your blog. About 2 times a day. I am so glad your day was "Your dream" Hope Florida is "Hopelessly Romantic" Enjoy every minute of your honeymoon, you'll come back vowing that you will do it again soon!!!! (That's why jon and I are calling our vacation our "2nd Honeymoon") I got jitters just reading your blog. It's about 9:10 so your probably in the air. Have fun, luv ya lots

Anonymous said...

You had an absolutely beautiful wedding. I am so glad it turned out as you had dreamed. I love the picture with your dad!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was a fun wedding. I hope to get to see a video because it is hard to enjoy the actual event when you are part of it. I want to see your pictures and hear about the trip when you get a chance.

Anonymous said...

Hey did you realize that you're not too far away from me down there in Florida! Glad to hear you're "special day" was everything you had hoped it would be!

Regi said...

GUS!!! I know! I even asked Jason how far away Jekyll Island was. He looked it up. You could meet us in Orlando tomorrow GRIN! We fly out at 5 p.m. though!

Sorry Guys! I can't figure out why the pictures won't line up. I did them in a rush but they should be lined up a little better!