Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Advice Accepted

I have said more than once in my short 26 years, that "There is a fine line between stepping out in faith and being stupid." I still think this is true. I am at a point in my life right now where I need to make a decision and I am having a hard time with the options. One is adventurous, throwing caution to the wind, possibly stupid. The other is safe, secure, steady, but I don't know if it is the right thing either.
Surely some of you folks have been in a serious decision phase and had these thoughts yourselves. Basically it boils down to, I am not sure which decision would honor God the most. What if I make the "possibly stupid" choice and it turns out a disaster, or the "secure" choice and it turns out miserable? Jay and I only want what God wants, but we are torn in our decision because neither choice is jumping up and down, yelling "Pick me, pick me!" So how do we make a decision? Fasting and lots of prayer have been involved (in case you were going to suggest those) and prayer by those around us has also been sent heavenward. Everything is still foggy. I would love to get a ton of comments on this post especially from those who have been there.
(Oh, and did I mention....there is a timeline involved, thus the stress)


Tim and Kristina said...

From experience if the decisions are "foggy" it is better to wait. God knows about "our" timelines...He also has one! I'll be praying for you...hang in there.

Anonymous said...

The above advice is very good and part of what I was going to say. Also, don't forget to get the opinions of those you respect: your parents, pastor, an older mentor who's had experience in making lots of life decisions, etc. "There is wisdom in a multitude of counselors".

LJL said...

In general terms, I would say not to make a change unless it's obvious it is time to do so. I know of three times when I made rather large changes and each time it was very obviously time to move on. But, not every situation is as clear as others.

Anonymous said...

don't you just wish He'd write it in the cornfields or something???

the best advice i've ever received in this area is to keep doing what you know God told you to do until He moves you elsewhere. sometimes He keeps you in the "pit" for reasons that aren't very clear at the time, so if it's a matter of staying where you are or moving elsewhere, i'd advise you to stay unless you receive clear direction to go.

i don't have any regrets having taught at faith christian school (after all, i got to know you and your family), but it was one of the hardest places God put me. sometimes i even likened it to the "pit". still, i know He directed me there, and i stayed - even when i wanted out - until He made it quite obvious that He was moving me on. i'd never before been so confident in making a decision.

i'll be praying....

Janella Thompson said...

WAIT ON THE LORD, I think has been the advice that has been continued thru each post. And I couldn't agree more. With a choice Jon and I had to make a few months ago...was simply to "stand still and do nothing" and thus at this point we feel we are still in the center of God will. I will be praying for you both. LOVE U!!!!

by the way YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED, come to my blog to see what your to do.

Jonathan and Sommer said...

Regina, quit worrying about the "what if". The "what if" merely transfers into fear and that will only hold you back. You are still a young, confident woman with a loving, supportive husband. The world is your oyster!!! From experience, by losing the "what if" mentality, this will help you see more clearly where the Lord is guiding you.

Anonymous said...

I have learned if you don't know what to do...don't do anything.

Belinda said...

i'm not full of wisdom on the subject - i've made a few decisions that from my perspective i would say were "wrong" and others have agreed, but i still felt like i did the right thing by making the "wrong" decision and i wouldn't change it now even if it meant that i would have been able to miss the pain that decision brought. i try to find peace in the midst of my fear, whether it's the fear of change or the fear of things NOT changing. i'll be praying for you and jason that you make the right decision and that you feel good about it. love you!

Regi said...

Thanks to all who commented.