As some of you may know, the Collingsworth family recorded a live concert in Cincinnati's Music Hall. What a blast it was! Jason was an usher, and I was asked to help at the product table. We had 6 people assigned to work the product table. Mary, Dani's roommate, stepped in to help as well because at intermission there was a stampede out of the doors (the ones in the pic below) towards the product table. Also, whatever happened to using cash? I would say 90%+ used credit/debit cards and with only two credit machines it was slightly crazy. We who were running the table were waiting in line to use our own credit machines! For the most part, folks were patient with us about how slow the process took.
...After the doors opened.
Before the doors opened.....
....After the doors opened.
This is the product table where we were mobbed.
Beautiful and historic Cincinnati Music Hall.
Janella and her mom, Connie (cousin and aunt)
The ushers chosen to help for this event.
Me and Sherilyn who has been the office manager for the Collingsworths for several years. She is about 5 feet tall so I had to bend over a little for this photo :o)
Dani (sister) was chosen to take tons of candid pictures and in this picture hasn't changed into all of her finery yet because she was running around all over the place taking photos. She is standing with Courtney.
Brent (my brother) was chosen as an usher and his girlfriend, Holley.
Brandon (cousin) practicing his authoritative DJ voice for all to hear.
Just before going on stage, the Collingsworth family.
It was a fantastic night, wasn't it? We enjoyed sitting with you and Jay.
Thanks for explaining why Im not dressed up "yet" :)
Thanks for posting the pics - I missed out. Hope to catch the next one.
Looks like fun. I would've liked to go, but Chip did not mention until the day after the concert that one of the people in our church had offerred us some tickets. A little dissapointed about that!
It was a nice night. The Hall was gorgeous. I have been there before, but it is just so beautiful!
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