Sunday, May 18, 2008


It's once again time for a larger quilt. This one will be a full to queen size or bigger. I haven't decided on how many borders to put on it. Right now I have 3 cut out. Again, the pattern called for blues, pinks and florals...yuck!!!! I decided on greens and light blues and I added the white diamond in the center with the colors inside it. The pattern was just random blocks. I like mine better (duh.)
I'm calling it Sunlight on the Lily Pond.

Here it is with the first border on it.


LJL said...

I saw that quilt when I came by to visit you during your Sunday afternoon nap. That's what you get for inviting me to visit on Sunday afternoon.

~~anna~~ said...

Oh! I like! Very soothing look. The white diamond in the center really sets it off as something unique. Great idea! Love the fabric choices too! They look great together....

Alanna said...

Hi Regi,

I like checking your blog from time to time. And the quilts are awesome! I like the Collingsworth pics too. :)

Alanna Smith