Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Time flies....

So she wasn't very happy with me - I still think she looks cute :)

I go back to work next Tuesday. I will miss my little munchkin but I know this is the best thing for right now. Nothing is more comforting or peaceful than to know you are doing the right thing. The best part - Jay will be able to stay home with her and we don't have to take her to a day care and worry about strangers taking care of her. On days Jay can't take care of her, we have Aunt Dani, Aunt Holley, and a couple others who are able to watch her. Well I hear her crying for her 2nd breakfast so I better go.


Leah said...

Hard to believe it is time for you to go back to work already! I hope the transition is smooth for both of you... and awesome that Jay is able to watch her!

Unknown said...

That's great that Jason will be able to watch her! It'll make going back so much easier!

lyndie said...

Time does fly! Looking forward to seeing you next weekend. Will be thinking of you as you make the transition back to work. It's wonderful that Jason will be able to stay home with her most of the time, but it still may be a bit difficult. I'm sure you'll do great tho. :)