I hesitate to write about this weekend's rather embarrassing events but I think I have something important to say. My wonderful Matron of Honor decided to throw a "personal" shower for me. I was only too happy to oblige as I have very little of these unmentionables for obvious reasons. I subsequently began to prepare myself for the upcoming event, assuring myself that surely no one would strive to embarrass me too badly.
Apparently I didn't prepare myself too well, because I woke up at 6:30 the morning of the shower and because of the churning of my tummy, could not go back to sleep. Breakfast thoughts were quickly extinguished by visions of possible "cookie tossing" later that morning. The shower was slated for noon. My wonderful friend and boss of 6 years allowed us to have the shower in her beautiful home. Little did I know she was later to become the main instigator of a rather unsavory plot. My friends and family decorated the bottom level of the home nicely in pinks, reds and hearts. It was a lovely affair. We played several games in which my sister insisted on being the comedian. I admit she is rather funny at times. I have no clue where she gets it from! The normal pictures of the bride and her friends, family and co-workers were snapped for future reminiscing. Then came the part I had been torturing myself about--gift opening. Stomach in knots does not begin to explain it. I knew for certain my mother would be kind to me. As for the others...my nightmares did indeed come true. A pink piece of decorating tulle was placed over my face. But that didn't really help that much, they could still tell I was quite red under there. However, once everything was said and done, I would not have wanted it any other way. My friends and family were more than generous with their gifts and laughter. I think we often take for granted those closest to us. No matter how embarrassed I was, I was thankful that God has given me such a wonderful group of friends and family. Because of the huge change about to take place in my life, I seem to be focusing even more on how much God has given me: a wonderful family and soon to be wonderful in-laws.
With the recent passing of my both my grand-parents, who died 3 months apart, life has taken on a more serious glow. Time is short and relationships are more important than I had thought previously.
Seeing my grandfather, a Korean war hero, lying as if he were sleeping really made me wonder about this whole episode we call "life." He is in heaven now and I imagine sometimes that he can see us. He was a rather teasing fellow and I wonder if the angels have to slap his arm once in a while because he is picking on them.
Yet I see him saluting proudly, dressed in full army regalia, Silver Star and all, giving honor and majesty to the One who created him. Grandpa wasn't much of a singer but I imagine the Creator doesn't mind the gruff notes or sharp tones. The rose below is from my Grandpa's funeral. It's lovely here but was soon dead and dry. In a way it reminds me of life itself.
In the daily grind of life, I forget that there is more than just work and play. There is eternity, an unimaginable infinite space of time, something we earth-sitters cannot comprehend, and I imagine Grandpa is only now beginning to understand. I have been challenged to live "in the light of eternity." New cars, though nice, aren't that important when you realize that God doesn't particularly care about that. He is more interested in what you are doing for Him; what you are doing to tell others that there is more to this life than just wandering this earth.
If you don't know Jesus, ask me about Him. I would hate to think that you know ABOUT Him, but don't KNOW Him. Knowing about Him, doesn't count for much. You have to get to know Him personally. Many people know about God, know the story of Jesus' death on the cross, but they have limited the story to that. What about when He rose victorious over death and hell? Making it possible for us to join Him for eternity. Makes things of this world seem insignifcant, doesn't it? Even my Grandpa's service to his country, though heroic, didn't save him. He had to ASK for forgiveness. If you knew that my mother had been praying for him her entire life, you would understand the sheer joy we experienced when my Grandpa came to KNOW Jesus as his Savior. Death doesn't have the same effect. It simply becomes a phase of life through which we must pass. "Death has been swallowed up in victory." (I Cor. 15:54b)
Wow, I am wipeing the tears away. So good and funny and sad and thought provoking!!!! Luv ya!!!
hi regina! i'm enjoying reading up about your life. i love the way you said "serious glow," i can totally identify with that feeling. God bless:)
Poke, I know you can relate.
Lauren!!! How kewl to hear from you! I loved reading about your busy life. Wish I could see you again some time.
i know your immediate family and would agree with you that they are pretty wonderful. your mom, holding my infant marissa at the moment of her birth, is forever immortalized in marissa's scrapbook, and the legacy i see she's passed on to her own daughters is precious.
Hey Babe!
How precious are your comments! May I be the Godly influence as your husband that you need! Love Ya!
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