Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Still sick

I am still hacking and coughing. Poor Jay has had to put up with all my noise. I hope he doesn't get sick also.


~~anna~~ said...

I'm so sorry! Have you been able to take sick days, or are you going to work? Sure hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Regi, we have had colds around here too, I think Trisha has had it alot harder tho. She has a cough and cold, but she keeps going to school and then their car broke down, now they are useing our car. And Nicholas has to have some more testing today for his Kidneys, he has had so many test!! Bless his heart, pray for him if you will. Sure hope you are feeling better and up and around take care.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Regi, I but my name down but it did'nt take.Theresa A

Brenda said...

It's no fun being sick. Hope you recover quickly!

~~anna~~ said...

So, are you feeling any better? Sure hope you're not still feeling miserable....