This is where the water is normally supposed to come out. But for some reason, tonight Jay was trying to make it easier to take a shower and he accidentally made it a lot worse! The water was shooting out of the left hand knob pipe. As you can see below, we don't have any knobs on the hot and cold water spouts. They are just little pipes. Imagine water spewing out of the left hand knob pipe at about 3 gallons per 10 seconds. The water was coming out with such force that it wasn't actually landing in the tub until about 3 feet down the length of the tub. I was not aware of any problems until I heard what sound like a water explosion, but I didn't hear Jay say anything or indicate that anything was wrong. Curious, I wandered to the bathroom where the door was now closed. When I looked in, I saw a tub about 1/4 of the way full with a huge waterfall shooting out of the wall. I instantly went into action. I pulled our gallon water bucket from under the kitchen sink and started bailing the water into the sink. All the while, asking Jay about turning the water off. He rushed down to the basement (I'm still bailing) and turned the knob he thought would turn it off. It didn't! I told him to call someone so he got on the phone with a board member (I'm still bailing.) A few minutes later our "plumber" arrives. He rushed downstairs with Jay and showed him where to turn the water off (I'm still bailing). Finally the water stops, I set down the last bucket of water. I can't see through my glasses because of all the water droplets, my skirt is totally drenched and the floor is covered in water. I didn't say I was a good water bailer!!!!!
I have now insisted that we get a real plumber in to repair the pipes and actually put knobs on the water controls instead of us using needle nose pliers to turn the shower on every time!
that's pretty funny! It reminds me of an old Stooges movie where they are trying to get water to stop and just keep adding pipes, and on and on... :) Glad you got it fixed!
Maybe Laurel and Hardy.
ha! That's probably not the easiest way to get your skirtwashed. Or your bathroom floor either!
Will look forward to seeing pics of the new tub handles!
i think i'd have preferred video of this post... ;)
A video would have been preferable, yes, but the ensuing electrical failure of the camera after being mauled with water, would have been terrible especially since it is supposed to travel with me this weekend :o)
Funny!...Since it wasn't me having to deal with it! :)
Travel this weekend!?! Your life is one big trip, time to settle down I'm thinking.
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