Saturday, January 31, 2009

Two new buddies

The first time they met was not so good - now Dudley shares "his" chair in the living room with Bullwinkle!

This morning in 9 degree weather Dad went out to feed the horse and the two dogs lead the way to the barn.

Somewhere in between time, they both got a little too cold and they stopped in the snow and just sat there. Mom said their feet get too cold in the ice and snow and they stop walking. So Dad spoils them by picking them up and bringing them back inside.

I got to sleep in my old bedroom. I remember picking out this border and wallpaper with Mom. Jay didn't come with me this weekend. He took some time alone and worked out his schedule for the coming year. The sign below is Ally's and the bed was actually made by my Dad, one of his talents he doesn't use much. I always thought I had a pretty cool bed!

Notice in the next pics the disintigration of this $6 toy - it lasted about 2 hours. The $.97 toy I bought from Walmart lasted less than 5 minutes.

Bullwinkle in his new yellow coat that my Mom gave him - their dog got too fat for it, although my Dad would probably argue that he just "filled out."

I don't think Bullwinkle ever figured out why Dudley was making such a racket - there was a cat up in the rafters. Bullwinkle just barked because Dudley and Jessica were barking.

Ice bush

Tree near our house


LJL said...

What a great visit! The "cousins" got along pretty good.

Dani said...

I love the pic of them up on the tye dye looking out the cute!

Tim and Kristina said...

Cute pictures! Glad you got to spend time with your family!

Janella Thompson said...

Very nice pictures...Glad Bullwinkle and Dudley made up and are now friends. It's kinda odd going back home and staying in your old room without your hubby isn't it? Jon and I have yet to stay overnight togather at mom and dad's but I have about 2 or 3 times. Its comforting...just not the same. Glad you had fun!! We would love to get a time to come see you all. And hear Jay preach..if it "doesn't work out" I TOTALY UNDERSTAND!!!! LUV yA!

Belinda said...

i haven't read ANY blogs in forever, so i didn't realize that you had a new dog! bullwinkle is so cute!!

glad you aren't snowbound anymore, either - wasn't it pretty though?

Anonymous said...

Your ice/tree pics are gorgeous!! We only got snow, here, 8 or so inches.