Saturday, November 21, 2009

Quilting Post

Step 1 - Have your strong hubby move the kitchen table into family room. Turn on a documentary and set up your supplies.

Step 2 - Put two squares pattern side together. Drawn a line from corner to corner. Sew 1/4" from the line on each side.
Step 3 - Cut on the line creating two squares.
Step 4 - Open the squares - iron the squares open.
Step 5 - Sew squares until you can't sew anymore :o) 150 squares later....

I was way too tired to iron them so they are still sitting on the table just like this.


Kelly S said...

Looks so fun! I wish I knew how!

Regi said...

Wink! I just gave you the first few steps. The only thing not showing is cutting out the 150 4" squares :o)

Mindy said...

Can't wait to see it finished!

Kelly S said...

I know, I've been waiting for a continuation! Now, if I can just learn to thread my sewing machine:)

Big A said...

That is a large monitor! I've only been able to find TVs that large, where do I get a monitor?

Regi said...

monitor? who said anything about a monitor? (you're mean)

Anonymous said...

Okay. I'd never thought of saving so much time by sewing the squares corner to corner twice and then cutting between the stitching! What a timesaver!! Only a professional quilter would think of such a creative timesaver. ;)