Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What a Monday...

...and yes, I know today is Tuesday. I got lots done yesterday.
1. Swept the house - check
2. Laundry done - check
3. Unpacked 2 suitcases - check
4. Cleaned kitchen - check
5. Dishes put away - check
6. Mowed front, side and back yard - check
7. Used the weed wacker/trimmer thingie around trees, house etc - check
8. Ran 3.3 miles on treadmill - check
9. Studied my photography lessons - check
10. Made ribs, green beans and cheddar cheese biscuits for supper - check
11. Kept track of 2 little kids the whole day - check
12. Started a book by Dee Henderson - check

Felt like I got a good chunk accomplished. Why so much in one day? I try to get lots done on Mondays so I can work the rest of the week. In this case I left my charger/adapter thingie for my laptop at my parents house so I couldn't work anyway. I ordered another one and it should arrive sometime today so I can get back to working for actual money *wink*

This morning I took my photography test for the second unit and got an A - hmph - missed 3 questions but who needs to know about agitating film in a dark room anyway?

Well I have a fussy 8 month old sitting in my lap, so off to put him to sleep for his first nap of the day. Have a good week!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Great job! I am privileged to have you as my wife!!!!! Jason

Anonymous said...

Aunt Dani