Thursday, February 15, 2007

Sparkling Ice

On the way home from work today I attempted to capture the beautiful ice. It was so brilliant at some points I could barely see to drive but it was gorgeous. With all the tree covered hills in northern Kentucky, it make the landscape seem almost like a fairy tale. A photograph really doesn't portray it very well but it is at least a hint of the beauty.


Tim and Kristina said...

Great pictures! I couldn't believe how bright it was outside today either. Stay Warm

Janella Thompson said...

I love the last picture!!! I love seeing a tree covered in ice. (so to speak, as long as it's not mine nor by my house or car or anything I own of tangible value) LOL
It sprakles when the sun hits it.

lyndie said...

in some ways ice is lovelier than snow, all gleaming and glistening, no DIGGING, icicles... it's more mature awe, while snow excites childish giddy.
wahoo for WINTER!
PS. i might be starting a quilting class this spring! i want to make a big bed quilt- hope to finish it before our 10 yr anniversary (5 years from now!). --i like to set realistic goals... ;P

Regi said...

Lyn, I know you can do it! I am still slowly working on the quilt top for the flag and stars but I am not getting very far very fast so join the crowd! Wink!

Anonymous said...

Nice ice

Anonymous said...

Hey, You can come out and visit anytime just let me know and I will make cinnamon rolls! In fact I am making them next week for Kevin Moser and all the rest that are coming out to ski !