Thursday, March 29, 2007

Yet another project....

I found this old metal Igloo water cooler thingie. My grandpa had it in his garage and I found it when we were going through their estate for the estate sale. I couldn't part with it. I was a nasty gray color when I found it but I primered it and then painted it old fashioned white and have been having some fun with colors and stars.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Weekend Fun

Well I decided to use one of my quilts for the second bedroom this weekend. A friend of ours came down from Indiana to spend Friday night and Saturday with us. Charlie is a great friend and tons of fun. He is also the assistant pastor at my parents' church.

Below are pictures of Union Terminal in Cincinnati where we watched a program about the Titanic. Then we ventured out to Super Bowl. After only a few bowls we had an astounding 300!!! Of course that included four of our scores combined! Wink! My friend (you may recognize her from the pictures along the side of my blog) Amy came along to save me from being stuck with two "ministers" for the day. When Jay gets to hang out with another preacher, sometimes I get lost in the conversation. Let's just say, the other Sunday we invited a friend of ours from Ireland (also a preacher) to Sunday dinner. He arrived a little before 1 p.m. and left at 5:30 p.m. You know it...Jay and he talked non-stop for almost 5 hours!!!! Senora, I did a lot of quilting on the couch listening to their discussions!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Sweet Surprise!

This arrived at work today!!! How sweet! It had a small vial of Ralph Lauren Hot attached to it. Wow, does that ever smell good!

Quick Trip

Woohoo!!! Texas was a blast. It was around 80 degrees down there and thank goodness I packed sandals and short sleeves. It was beautiful! Jason and I both enjoyed being with my aunt, uncle and cousins. They usually travels 3 out of 4 weekends a month, doing concerts all over the country. My aunt was just recently booked to play at Carnegie Hall the day after Thanksgiving. What a privilege!!!

Unloading the bus on Friday night in Oklahoma City.

The "bottle" shaped mirror on the ceiling of Big Red.

Uncle Phil loves to drive his "machine."

Olivia runs off some of her energy by circling the church several times before the concert.

Aunt Kim tests out the piano.

Terrell, Texas - Jay and "Curley"

Aunt Kim and Jeff Stice (pianist for the Triumphant Quartet)

Headed to Ihop to eat after tearing down the product table and the sound equipment.

Brook and Court "fiddlin" for the crowd.

Lil Phil (who isn't really that little) sets up most of the sound equipment on his own.

Kim and Jeff wow the crowd with an impromptu piano duet.

All said and done, it was probably the quickest 5 days in my life but boy was it a blast. I would love to travel and see new things like they do, but I think the "people" aspect would drive me nuts. So many folks want to talk to them. The product table is mobbed after the concerts. I was mistaken for Courtney and Jay was mistaken for Phil several times. One lady said "I just enjoy your music so much!" The funny part is right behind their table is an 8 foot backdrop with the Collingsworth family picture. I am nowhere in the picture and yet people kept telling ME how great "we" were. Laughable to say the least since I can barely play Chopsticks on the piano!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Quiltin' away.....

Sunday afternoons are perfect for quiet quilting time. Jay usually goes to sleep right after lunch, but today he stayed up for a little while and even took pictures of me working on my quilt.

This coming weekend Jay and I will be traveling to Oklahoma and Texas with my aunt, uncle and cousins. They will be doing three concerts this weekend. Since Jay has a CDL and has driven dozens of similar buses, they asked him to assist on this trip since the drive time will be so long. Coming back from Corpus Chrisi on Sunday night through Monday will be about 21 hours.I get to meet some of his family in Oklahoma and keep him awake while he is driving. He gave up Mt. Dew for Lent so I will have to be his caffeine I suppose. (I gave up warm gooey peanutbutter popcorn!)

Below is the bus we will be traveling in. I've been on it several times and ridden it a couple times, but never for longer than a couple hours. My aunt asked if I was ready. I told her I wasn't too sure about the 20+hour trip but I would try. I can't imagine doing this all the time. (picture from (Oh and by the way, we call the bus Big Red. It usually isn't this low to the ground, but this was taken in Florida when it was stuck in the sand...oops! WINK)