Tuesday, October 09, 2007

My first sweater of the season!

Jay is so sweet. He drove out of the way to Macy's and bought me a pink Tommy sweater. He knew I wasn't having a good day today. He rarely buys me clothes so I was very surprised. I am such a lucky girl! I wonder who named this article of clothing because it sounds terrible if you think about it.


~~anna~~ said...

so, he's driving today? That's a big improvement from yesterday...I guess he figured anyone who would get up at 4Am and work a full day before 1PM and then take care of hubby for the rest of the day and evening should have a special treat. Enjoy!

Regi said...

Yes, he is much more normal today. He was just acting so goofy and almost listless yesterday and I couldn't wait for him to get back to his wacky goofy "normal" self. He is such a sweetie.