Monday, November 05, 2007

In answer to your question, Anna.....

We are headed to Virginia this weekend so I must have a quilt to work on in the car or I will probably go mad from boredom so I am hurriedly putting this one together. Just simple 9x9 squares in browns, golds and oranges. My dilemma....What do I quilt on these 56 squares? I am not sure. I thought about an oak leaf but that would get so boring after the first dozen or so. I need to mix it up or something. Ideas anyone?


Anonymous said...

I really like the oak leave idea. Maybe you could do all kinds of different leaves, so you don't get bored.

Jenny G's mom

Anonymous said...

What about acorns and cornucopias along with the oak leaf?

Jenn said...

What about pumpkins, leaves, and acorns? I wish I had the time you have to do all that quilting. They are so pretty!!

Brenda said...

This is a really cool quilt. I love the colors - reminded me of pumpkin pie, but maybe because I had the other post on my mind. I love you new blog layout!