Jay returned from Pennsylvania on Friday night and the next morning he took me to the Kentucky Horse Park. I have been there before for the Christmas light display but never to just visit the park. It's a pretty cool place for horse lovers like me . In 2010, the Horse Park is hosting the FEI World Equestrian games and they are doing a lot of construction on a new covered arena and they are repaving the roads to prepare for the games. This will be the first time the FEI World games have ever been played outside of Europe so it is a huge honor for the Kentucky Horse Park to host. And of course, I would love to attend some of the games, especially since the park isn't that far from us. Here are a couple minis just munching away.
Thoroughbred racehorse, Cigar, holds the record for the most earnings with well over $10,000,000.
American Quarter horse
The narrator rode a half Quarter, half Andulsian horse.
Tennessee Walking Horse
Spanish Mustang (I love the rider's outfit)
Thoroughbred demonstrating a small jump
English Shire
And the best (in my opinion), two black Fresians being directed by one rider. I have never seen this type of riding/training. The horses were unbelievable!
Absolutely gorgeous horses and the patience of the rider with his horses was amazing. Both horses responded beautifully together, trotting at angles and stopping right beside each other. Just really beautiful.
Statue of Man O War, who incidentally is buried below the statue
Me and my honey
Here is a video of the two Fresians working together.
Hi! This is Devan (DeMint) Carpenter. I think it's pretty cool that two "GBSers" will be moving to this area. Nathan and I live in Georgetown, KY (about five miles from the Kentucky Horse Park). It's a beautiful place to live!
If you don't mind my asking--Where will you and Jason be pastoring? We would love to come visit your church when ya'll get settled! (If you aren't comfortable posting such info on the Web, my email is natenrae@juno.com).
Talk to ya later!
Those horses are pretty cool!! I've never been to the KHF - I'll have to go sometime!
That's some high-class glue!!!
Looks cool I really like the picture of Cigar
The Fresians are gorgeous!!
We have a horse buried at our place. Missy. We need a statue for her. She is about the only horse I have ever liked. She got sick and Mom gave her IV's. Then, we had to put her to sleep. :(
Those horses are BEAUTIFUL! Too bad they didn't let you ride any of them!!!!
Nice dad...beautiful story
That is one of my favorites - the Fresian. They just demand respect with all their beauty and grace. Thanks for sharing the clip - that was very cool.
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