They will probably kill me for putting this on here, but everytime I see it, I smile. So I put it in a collage frame and it is now hanging in this room.
Some of my all time favorite books by authors Henderson, Wick, Kraus, Hunt and Kingsbury.
I tried to pick 'humorous' pics for this frame. The far left one isn't really humorous except to maybe those in the actual picture. The middle one is Ally on her horse, Dan. The one on the right is Ally in a plastic blow-up raft rowing away on the porch.
The orange corner with a 5 shelf bookcase (yes, I put it together all by myself). I actually had a third picture hanging below these two, but I dropped it and yes, it broke. Sigh!
A smaller bookcase (I put them all together) and the collage frame.
This corner is orange and yellow - I haven't done anything with the yellow wall yet. Someday I might get inspired but no one really sees this room since it is upstairs off the master bedroom.
This is looking into the orange room from the master bedroom. Yes, I realize the ancient trim around the window is dark brown and the bookcases and frames are black. Since the parsonage belongs to the church and the trim appears original I didn't want to ask about taking it down. Not to mention, it would cost money and take time to put new trim up. It has been varnished so many times it would take hours and hours to sand. So I made the decision to still buy black stuff in case I ever get my own house, because I know that is what I would want.
Okay you decorators out there, what do I put under the window? I thought about a little bench with a brightly colored pillow...or maybe some stenciled words trailing from one bookcase to the other??
These are not all my books, but a lot of them. I think I counted about 150. I haven't located the other boxes yet. Jay has 3 or 4 huge bookcases at the church and they are full of his books as well as some from the church, so I don't think I will be putting any of his books in here.
WOW! Looks great! I'm going to have to come borrow some of those books! Do you have another date for dinner?
I think the bench would be a great idea. And since you have no pattern in the room you could get away with a very patterned or adding another splash of color into the room by using a solid bright color like a coral or blue or something like that. The room is really cute. I would be borrowing books too, if I lived closer!
Books, books. We would be on vacation and go to the ball game...Regi reads while the balls fly. At the beach...Regi reads. Maybe at the Dixie Stampede you didn't read.
you can never go wrong with a good book! I have learned here in the DR to never go anywhere without a nevr know how long you will be gone or what may come up.
Your room is cute. I think the bench is a good idea, but I agree a print would add some "splash"!
Kris, you can borrow anytime you want to. Right now I have one out (a Henderson book) but I think all the others are around here somewhere. Remember when I used to loan out books at GBS? As far as a date - Jay is gone until Wednesday. This weekend is Courtney's party. Next weekend is Brent's party. Should we think about a weekday?
Thanks to all for ideas. I will have to look around for a cool bench or chair or comfy chaise. I guess I will know it when I see it.
Dad, I definitely did not read IN Dixie but maybe waiting to go into Dixie? And I didn't even bring it to Kentucky Speedway! so there..
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