Wednesday, March 28, 2012


so i checked my stats on blogger...1003 views last month. Who knew?

Today i ran 3 miles. That's really good for me. Panic hasn't started kicking in yet, but i am sure it will soon. I can't believe I am going to attempt 13.1 miles in a few short weeks. Jay told me that if a runner doesn't finish, a bus comes around and picks up the stragglers. I hope to goodness I can avoid the bus, but Jay keeps teasing me about it. Even if i do succumb to the bus ride at least I will have attempted something that most people I know wouldn't dare try. What's worse - not attempting, or attempting and failing? Obviously you know my opinion :)


Anonymous said...

WELL..i did put a link on my facebook to your blog when you put up the shower pics..that might have helped...ur welcome (hehe jk)
aunt dani

Anonymous said...

hehe, i remember you saying something about the bus..i would be running from it LOL At least make it chase u hehe!
aunt dani