Friday, April 25, 2008

95% Complete: Splash and Dash

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Whispering Brooke

Please visit my link to Lyndie's blog, Whispering Brooke. Even if you don't know her, you will be touched by her last few posts. She and her husband are currently in Guatemala and seeing their little baby girl for the first time. I love the video clip of Lyndie holding Yosi in the water. I am so excited for them. Please pray for them.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Music Hall

As some of you may know, the Collingsworth family recorded a live concert in Cincinnati's Music Hall. What a blast it was! Jason was an usher, and I was asked to help at the product table. We had 6 people assigned to work the product table. Mary, Dani's roommate, stepped in to help as well because at intermission there was a stampede out of the doors (the ones in the pic below) towards the product table. Also, whatever happened to using cash? I would say 90%+ used credit/debit cards and with only two credit machines it was slightly crazy. We who were running the table were waiting in line to use our own credit machines! For the most part, folks were patient with us about how slow the process took.

Before the doors opened.....

...After the doors opened.

Before the doors opened.....

....After the doors opened.

Courtney, a cousin, and me just before the concert. Sorry, I don't have any pics of the actual concert because of the live taping. You might check out in a couple days and see if photos have been uploaded.
Folks waiting for the doors to open.

This is the product table where we were mobbed.

Beautiful and historic Cincinnati Music Hall.

Janella and her mom, Connie (cousin and aunt)

The ushers chosen to help for this event.

Me and Sherilyn who has been the office manager for the Collingsworths for several years. She is about 5 feet tall so I had to bend over a little for this photo :o)

Dani (sister) was chosen to take tons of candid pictures and in this picture hasn't changed into all of her finery yet because she was running around all over the place taking photos. She is standing with Courtney.

Brent (my brother) was chosen as an usher and his girlfriend, Holley.

Brandon (cousin) practicing his authoritative DJ voice for all to hear.

Just before going on stage, the Collingsworth family.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

For Those Lurkers...

..I learned this week that I have several "lurkers" who read my blog but never comment. It was nice to meet some of you this week at the church convention. Some folks came up to me and said "I just love your quilts." I recognized the faces but some of you I don't even know your names.

Friday, April 11, 2008


My honey wanted me to relax for an evening. He got a themed suite at the Wildwood Inn. As you can see it is as Western theme. It was really neat. You might remember a post from my birthday a year ago. He chose the Nascar room that time.

The old phone.

Yes, the old pumps dispensed the water.

The toilet was pulled this handle on the chain to flush it. And it was way loud too.

The old fashioned bar.

I love you Jay!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Advice Accepted

I have said more than once in my short 26 years, that "There is a fine line between stepping out in faith and being stupid." I still think this is true. I am at a point in my life right now where I need to make a decision and I am having a hard time with the options. One is adventurous, throwing caution to the wind, possibly stupid. The other is safe, secure, steady, but I don't know if it is the right thing either.
Surely some of you folks have been in a serious decision phase and had these thoughts yourselves. Basically it boils down to, I am not sure which decision would honor God the most. What if I make the "possibly stupid" choice and it turns out a disaster, or the "secure" choice and it turns out miserable? Jay and I only want what God wants, but we are torn in our decision because neither choice is jumping up and down, yelling "Pick me, pick me!" So how do we make a decision? Fasting and lots of prayer have been involved (in case you were going to suggest those) and prayer by those around us has also been sent heavenward. Everything is still foggy. I would love to get a ton of comments on this post especially from those who have been there.
(Oh, and did I mention....there is a timeline involved, thus the stress)

Monday, April 07, 2008

The Pressure is On!

My brain feels like a pressure cooker. For the last 4 1/2 weeks I have been working like a fiend and not getting anywhere. I know you don't know what I am talking about, but you can at least pray for me. It's no fun sitting where I am right now.

Not to mention, for the last 8 days the visitation clerk has called off so work has been absolutely crazy. Last week one of the main office gals was on vacation so I filled in and did her work. Today, another office gal called off so this doesn't help my state of mind.
So as you can see, to eleviate the pressure, I worked on the blue and white quilt tonight for about 4-5 hours. I changed the colors dramatically from what the pattern called for. It had dark green and dark burgundy (where the blues are) and light yellow and light green (where the white is.) Yuck! I like my blues much more. I am calling it Splash and Dash. It reminds me of the blue waves at Myrtle Beach where we would play volleyball in the hot, hot sun and then dash to the waves, splash for a little while, run back to the court, play some more, then more splashing and dashing. I don't know what I was thinking with the bold colors though. I really had to watch the corners a lot more on this one. I am not a perfectionist like my mother so I tend to let the corners slide, but it would have been really obvious on this quilt.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

18 months Together

Our 18 month anniversary was this past Sunday. I thought I would do a post with all the quilts that I have done in those 18 months. This first one is just the quilt top of course, and the blue sampler I had put together (but not finished) before we were married. The rest of them were put together, and quilted after we said our vows. Senora, maybe I should open a quilt shop :o) ( I haven't started quilting the scrappy quilt yet. I found some neat blue and white materials so I am cutting out the pieces for that one now)